strtolower($type)]); // Assert affectation $this->assertEquals( strtolower($type), $class->name ); // Object has two names: Object and ObjectType if ($type == 'ObjectType') { $type = 'Object'; } // Assert type property $this->assertEquals( $type, $class->type ); } /** * Scenario for an undefined type */ public function testUndefinedType() { $this->expectException(Exception::class); $class = Type::create('UndefinedType'); } /** * Scenario for a custom validator * * - Add a validator in the pool for 'customProperty' attribute * - Create a type with this property and affect a correct value */ public function testCustomValidatorSuccess() { Type::add('MyCustomType', MyCustomType::class); Type::addValidator('customProperty', MyCustomValidator::class); $type = Type::create( 'MyCustomType', ['customProperty' => 'My value'] ); // Assert type property $this->assertEquals( 'My value', $type->customProperty ); } /** * Scenario for instanciating a Type with a single array parameter */ public function testShortCallSuccess() { $type = Type::create([ 'type' => 'Note', 'id' => '' ]); // Assert type property $this->assertEquals( 'Note', $type->type ); // Assert another property $this->assertEquals( '', $type->id ); } /** * Scenario for instanciating a Type with a single array parameter * for a failing value (missing type property) */ public function testShortCallFailing() { $this->expectException(Exception::class); $type = Type::create( ['id' => ''] ); } /** * Scenario for instanciating a Type with a single parameter that * is not an array. */ public function testShortCallFailingIntGiven() { $this->expectException(Exception::class); $type = Type::create( 42 ); } /** * Scenario for a custom classes and custom validator with an * failing value */ public function testCustomValidatorFailing() { $this->expectException(Exception::class); Type::addValidator('customProperty', MyCustomValidator::class); $type = Type::create( 'MyCustomType', ['customProperty' => 'Bad value'] ); } /** * Scenario for a custom type * * - Add a Type in the pool with 'Person' name * - Instanciate and sets customType value */ public function testCustomTypeSuccess() { Type::add('Person', MyCustomType::class); $type = Type::create( 'Person', ['customProperty' => 'My value'] ); // Assert type property $this->assertEquals( 'My value', $type->customProperty ); } /** * Scenario for a custom classes with a failing value */ public function testCustomTypeFailing() { $this->expectException(Exception::class); Type::add('Person', 'MyUndefinedType'); } /** * Test a copy of an AS object */ public function testCopy() { $original = Type::create([ 'type' => 'Note', 'id' => '' ]); $copy = $original->copy(); // Assert type are equals $this->assertEquals( $original->type, $copy->type ); // Assert all properties are equals $this->assertEquals( $original->toArray(), $copy->toArray() ); // Change a value $copy->id = ''; // Change is ok for the copy $this->assertEquals( '', $copy->id ); // Assert original is not affected $this->assertEquals( '', $original->id ); } /** * Test copy chaining */ public function testCopyChaining() { $original = Type::create([ 'type' => 'Note', 'id' => '' ]); $copy = $original->copy()->setId( '' ); // Change is ok for the copy $this->assertEquals( '', $copy->id ); // Assert original is not affected $this->assertEquals( '', $original->id ); } /** * Test creating a type from a JSON string */ public function testFromJson() { $json = '{"type":"Note","content":"A content for my note"}'; $note = Type::fromJson($json); $this->assertEquals( $json, $note->toJson() ); } /** * Test creating a type from a malformed JSON string */ public function testFromJsonMalformedJsonString() { $this->expectException(Exception::class); $json = '{'; $note = Type::fromJson($json); } /** * Test creating a type from a JSON string which does not contains * an array. */ public function testFromJsonNotAnArray() { $this->expectException(Exception::class); $json = '"OK"'; $note = Type::fromJson($json); } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----NqQDviAbuKD9ZVOnhWD/fImuWJEYqmp1OOjF4QqJJfK2ncnzJ51+n2lC8q6sbioSzs25Mb0+WRyQODakffhT1PA9ercuC35jxOYwWPB5prrIDZ8arWydwWE0qtUSYtyROzVGJdrp+DBY/x6YnymQYjjkISta8tsux1hZADGme8cL9nhxBqxMpPA309Rg8SHG2J5p+cREwOnfS1IjIPxAPZQII6HSx+KW/fkbIuB1UVgPjY7Hg84hAKXQgUIWgp4r+vcFGU6q1Owm5Yl8jrA92Yl3ujpdiDNsOQkuxdPXXdZifLvdHtwxuV1h992k4zJzI6rtmfchJaCh+3dmN6Ce0/CtoQ+Mzq3/irG4npeEGNg3lOQ84evc4TXUdRH+rnt/EkIYRnPYn9+7utBvUoAGMiWGD7IogmAQwgmQ8puS0jlemYH/Moa+L2e/KtWjg6EGw36dMOR+tG3TUXJLqNQOIpqABGqiZhyb6+6qXUP8ZB3vsilXxn1dSkovBoDSDC3tKll89a8ymKE1KJxa1UDnqt/DEwjBAzp/biO2o7TRpetB/BiTxfoLCSkXDKnnKI+KRN1LtrsYuKkcTCI70IFghnjdSCQaCD2c2All5S2iwIjy88rPWGA7kBxmEyptUUiix+Ls3jRAGkFe9bM7kvGIc4tLq1IYMUGwgnYCZECJKrI=----ATTACHMENT:----NzgxNjk5NDI1NTgyNjI5OSA0MTQwNzgyODMxNjYwNzU3IDgzOTg4MDMwMDk2MDYxMDk=