* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Yaml; use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException; /** * Yaml offers convenience methods to load and dump YAML. * * @author Fabien Potencier * * @final */ class Yaml { public const DUMP_OBJECT = 1; public const PARSE_EXCEPTION_ON_INVALID_TYPE = 2; public const PARSE_OBJECT = 4; public const PARSE_OBJECT_FOR_MAP = 8; public const DUMP_EXCEPTION_ON_INVALID_TYPE = 16; public const PARSE_DATETIME = 32; public const DUMP_OBJECT_AS_MAP = 64; public const DUMP_MULTI_LINE_LITERAL_BLOCK = 128; public const PARSE_CONSTANT = 256; public const PARSE_CUSTOM_TAGS = 512; public const DUMP_EMPTY_ARRAY_AS_SEQUENCE = 1024; public const DUMP_NULL_AS_TILDE = 2048; /** * Parses a YAML file into a PHP value. * * Usage: * * $array = Yaml::parseFile('config.yml'); * print_r($array); * * @param string $filename The path to the YAML file to be parsed * @param int $flags A bit field of PARSE_* constants to customize the YAML parser behavior * * @return mixed * * @throws ParseException If the file could not be read or the YAML is not valid */ public static function parseFile(string $filename, int $flags = 0) { $yaml = new Parser(); return $yaml->parseFile($filename, $flags); } /** * Parses YAML into a PHP value. * * Usage: * * $array = Yaml::parse(file_get_contents('config.yml')); * print_r($array); * * * @param string $input A string containing YAML * @param int $flags A bit field of PARSE_* constants to customize the YAML parser behavior * * @return mixed * * @throws ParseException If the YAML is not valid */ public static function parse(string $input, int $flags = 0) { $yaml = new Parser(); return $yaml->parse($input, $flags); } /** * Dumps a PHP value to a YAML string. * * The dump method, when supplied with an array, will do its best * to convert the array into friendly YAML. * * @param mixed $input The PHP value * @param int $inline The level where you switch to inline YAML * @param int $indent The amount of spaces to use for indentation of nested nodes * @param int $flags A bit field of DUMP_* constants to customize the dumped YAML string */ public static function dump($input, int $inline = 2, int $indent = 4, int $flags = 0): string { $yaml = new Dumper($indent); return $yaml->dump($input, $inline, 0, $flags); } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----MjIyMTkyMjE3MzM5NzQ1NSAzODM0NDQ0NTg5MjIwNTUgOTE1NjA3NDUyODQ0Mzg5NA==