* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner; /** * DumperInterface used by Data objects. * * @author Nicolas Grekas */ interface DumperInterface { /** * Dumps a scalar value. * * @param Cursor $cursor The Cursor position in the dump * @param string $type The PHP type of the value being dumped * @param string|int|float|bool $value The scalar value being dumped */ public function dumpScalar(Cursor $cursor, $type, $value); /** * Dumps a string. * * @param Cursor $cursor The Cursor position in the dump * @param string $str The string being dumped * @param bool $bin Whether $str is UTF-8 or binary encoded * @param int $cut The number of characters $str has been cut by */ public function dumpString(Cursor $cursor, $str, $bin, $cut); /** * Dumps while entering an hash. * * @param Cursor $cursor The Cursor position in the dump * @param int $type A Cursor::HASH_* const for the type of hash * @param string $class The object class, resource type or array count * @param bool $hasChild When the dump of the hash has child item */ public function enterHash(Cursor $cursor, $type, $class, $hasChild); /** * Dumps while leaving an hash. * * @param Cursor $cursor The Cursor position in the dump * @param int $type A Cursor::HASH_* const for the type of hash * @param string $class The object class, resource type or array count * @param bool $hasChild When the dump of the hash has child item * @param int $cut The number of items the hash has been cut by */ public function leaveHash(Cursor $cursor, $type, $class, $hasChild, $cut); } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----ODc1ODIzNTg5MTQ4NDY3MCA3NTU3NjIyNzg1OTAyODQ4IDUxNTM1MDg5Njg0NTI3OTM=