* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Validator\Validator; use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraint; use Symfony\Component\Validator\ConstraintViolationListInterface; use Symfony\Component\Validator\Context\ExecutionContextInterface; use Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\Factory\MetadataFactoryInterface; /** * Validates PHP values against constraints. * * @author Bernhard Schussek */ interface ValidatorInterface extends MetadataFactoryInterface { /** * Validates a value against a constraint or a list of constraints. * * If no constraint is passed, the constraint * {@link \Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Valid} is assumed. * * @param mixed $value The value to validate * @param Constraint|Constraint[] $constraints The constraint(s) to validate * against * @param array|null $groups The validation groups to * validate. If none is given, * "Default" is assumed * * @return ConstraintViolationListInterface A list of constraint violations * If the list is empty, validation * succeeded */ public function validate($value, $constraints = null, $groups = null); /** * Validates a property of an object against the constraints specified * for this property. * * @param object $object The object * @param string $propertyName The name of the validated property * @param array|null $groups The validation groups to validate. If * none is given, "Default" is assumed * * @return ConstraintViolationListInterface A list of constraint violations * If the list is empty, validation * succeeded */ public function validateProperty($object, $propertyName, $groups = null); /** * Validates a value against the constraints specified for an object's * property. * * @param object|string $objectOrClass The object or its class name * @param string $propertyName The name of the property * @param mixed $value The value to validate against the * property's constraints * @param array|null $groups The validation groups to validate. If * none is given, "Default" is assumed * * @return ConstraintViolationListInterface A list of constraint violations * If the list is empty, validation * succeeded */ public function validatePropertyValue($objectOrClass, $propertyName, $value, $groups = null); /** * Starts a new validation context and returns a validator for that context. * * The returned validator collects all violations generated within its * context. You can access these violations with the * {@link ContextualValidatorInterface::getViolations()} method. * * @return ContextualValidatorInterface The validator for the new context */ public function startContext(); /** * Returns a validator in the given execution context. * * The returned validator adds all generated violations to the given * context. * * @return ContextualValidatorInterface The validator for that context */ public function inContext(ExecutionContextInterface $context); } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----ODIyNjY2OTE2NDQwNTYxIDY2OTAwNTA3OTAzNDg1NTUgNjkwMjcwMzY4MTI0NzA3Nw==