* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Translation; @trigger_error(sprintf('The "%s" class is deprecated since Symfony 4.2, use IdentityTranslator instead.', Interval::class), \E_USER_DEPRECATED); use Symfony\Component\Translation\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; /** * Tests if a given number belongs to a given math interval. * * An interval can represent a finite set of numbers: * * {1,2,3,4} * * An interval can represent numbers between two numbers: * * [1, +Inf] * ]-1,2[ * * The left delimiter can be [ (inclusive) or ] (exclusive). * The right delimiter can be [ (exclusive) or ] (inclusive). * Beside numbers, you can use -Inf and +Inf for the infinite. * * @author Fabien Potencier * * @see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interval_%28mathematics%29#The_ISO_notation * @deprecated since Symfony 4.2, use IdentityTranslator instead */ class Interval { /** * Tests if the given number is in the math interval. * * @param int $number A number * @param string $interval An interval * * @return bool * * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public static function test($number, $interval) { $interval = trim($interval); if (!preg_match('/^'.self::getIntervalRegexp().'$/x', $interval, $matches)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('"%s" is not a valid interval.', $interval)); } if ($matches[1]) { foreach (explode(',', $matches[2]) as $n) { if ($number == $n) { return true; } } } else { $leftNumber = self::convertNumber($matches['left']); $rightNumber = self::convertNumber($matches['right']); return ('[' === $matches['left_delimiter'] ? $number >= $leftNumber : $number > $leftNumber) && (']' === $matches['right_delimiter'] ? $number <= $rightNumber : $number < $rightNumber) ; } return false; } /** * Returns a Regexp that matches valid intervals. * * @return string A Regexp (without the delimiters) */ public static function getIntervalRegexp() { return <<[\[\]]) \s* (?P-Inf|\-?\d+(\.\d+)?) \s*,\s* (?P\+?Inf|\-?\d+(\.\d+)?) \s* (?P[\[\]]) EOF; } private static function convertNumber(string $number): float { if ('-Inf' === $number) { return log(0); } elseif ('+Inf' === $number || 'Inf' === $number) { return -log(0); } return (float) $number; } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----NjI4NDMwMTk4MjQzODAwOSA4NjIxMjkzOTQyNjIwNzcgOTI4ODE5NjY0MjEyMDkw