* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Stopwatch; /** * Represents an Period for an Event. * * @author Fabien Potencier */ class StopwatchPeriod { private $start; private $end; private $memory; /** * @param int|float $start The relative time of the start of the period (in milliseconds) * @param int|float $end The relative time of the end of the period (in milliseconds) * @param bool $morePrecision If true, time is stored as float to keep the original microsecond precision */ public function __construct($start, $end, $morePrecision = false) { $this->start = $morePrecision ? (float) $start : (int) $start; $this->end = $morePrecision ? (float) $end : (int) $end; $this->memory = memory_get_usage(true); } /** * Gets the relative time of the start of the period. * * @return int|float The time (in milliseconds) */ public function getStartTime() { return $this->start; } /** * Gets the relative time of the end of the period. * * @return int|float The time (in milliseconds) */ public function getEndTime() { return $this->end; } /** * Gets the time spent in this period. * * @return int|float The period duration (in milliseconds) */ public function getDuration() { return $this->end - $this->start; } /** * Gets the memory usage. * * @return int The memory usage (in bytes) */ public function getMemory() { return $this->memory; } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----NDE4MDUzOTA1OTExMzYzMyAxODE1MDE3ODQ1MjQzOTYxIDE1NDMyNjMzMjg3OTE2Nw==