* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess; /** * Writes and reads values to/from an object/array graph. * * @author Bernhard Schussek */ interface PropertyAccessorInterface { /** * Sets the value at the end of the property path of the object graph. * * Example: * * use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyAccess; * * $propertyAccessor = PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessor(); * * echo $propertyAccessor->setValue($object, 'child.name', 'Fabien'); * // equals echo $object->getChild()->setName('Fabien'); * * This method first tries to find a public setter for each property in the * path. The name of the setter must be the camel-cased property name * prefixed with "set". * * If the setter does not exist, this method tries to find a public * property. The value of the property is then changed. * * If neither is found, an exception is thrown. * * @param object|array $objectOrArray The object or array to modify * @param string|PropertyPathInterface $propertyPath The property path to modify * @param mixed $value The value to set at the end of the property path * * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException If the property path is invalid * @throws Exception\AccessException If a property/index does not exist or is not public * @throws Exception\UnexpectedTypeException If a value within the path is neither object nor array */ public function setValue(&$objectOrArray, $propertyPath, $value); /** * Returns the value at the end of the property path of the object graph. * * Example: * * use Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\PropertyAccess; * * $propertyAccessor = PropertyAccess::createPropertyAccessor(); * * echo $propertyAccessor->getValue($object, 'child.name'); * // equals echo $object->getChild()->getName(); * * This method first tries to find a public getter for each property in the * path. The name of the getter must be the camel-cased property name * prefixed with "get", "is", or "has". * * If the getter does not exist, this method tries to find a public * property. The value of the property is then returned. * * If none of them are found, an exception is thrown. * * @param object|array $objectOrArray The object or array to traverse * @param string|PropertyPathInterface $propertyPath The property path to read * * @return mixed The value at the end of the property path * * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException If the property path is invalid * @throws Exception\AccessException If a property/index does not exist or is not public * @throws Exception\UnexpectedTypeException If a value within the path is neither object * nor array */ public function getValue($objectOrArray, $propertyPath); /** * Returns whether a value can be written at a given property path. * * Whenever this method returns true, {@link setValue()} is guaranteed not * to throw an exception when called with the same arguments. * * @param object|array $objectOrArray The object or array to check * @param string|PropertyPathInterface $propertyPath The property path to check * * @return bool Whether the value can be set * * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException If the property path is invalid */ public function isWritable($objectOrArray, $propertyPath); /** * Returns whether a property path can be read from an object graph. * * Whenever this method returns true, {@link getValue()} is guaranteed not * to throw an exception when called with the same arguments. * * @param object|array $objectOrArray The object or array to check * @param string|PropertyPathInterface $propertyPath The property path to check * * @return bool Whether the property path can be read * * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException If the property path is invalid */ public function isReadable($objectOrArray, $propertyPath); } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----NzYxNjMwMTE4MzA0Njk3NiA5NDk2ODk4Nzc3OTU0NjYzIDc4OTAxNjE4OTE0MDMzOTI=