* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Lock; use Symfony\Component\Lock\Exception\LockAcquiringException; use Symfony\Component\Lock\Exception\LockConflictedException; use Symfony\Component\Lock\Exception\LockReleasingException; /** * LockInterface defines an interface to manipulate the status of a lock. * * @author Jérémy Derussé */ interface LockInterface { /** * Acquires the lock. If the lock is acquired by someone else, the parameter `blocking` determines whether or not * the the call should block until the release of the lock. * * @param bool $blocking Whether or not the Lock should wait for the release of someone else * * @return bool whether or not the lock had been acquired * * @throws LockConflictedException If the lock is acquired by someone else in blocking mode * @throws LockAcquiringException If the lock can not be acquired */ public function acquire($blocking = false); /** * Increase the duration of an acquired lock. * * @throws LockConflictedException If the lock is acquired by someone else * @throws LockAcquiringException If the lock can not be refreshed */ public function refresh(); /** * Returns whether or not the lock is acquired. * * @return bool */ public function isAcquired(); /** * Release the lock. * * @throws LockReleasingException If the lock can not be released */ public function release(); } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----NzUzNTI1MTQ5MjE3NjI3NCA5ODk2MjA4ODI5NzYwNTMxIDE3MjA2NDcxODIwNzA1MDQ=