* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Fragment; use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Controller\ControllerReference; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request; use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\EventListener\FragmentListener; /** * Adds the possibility to generate a fragment URI for a given Controller. * * @author Fabien Potencier */ abstract class RoutableFragmentRenderer implements FragmentRendererInterface { private $fragmentPath = '/_fragment'; /** * Sets the fragment path that triggers the fragment listener. * * @param string $path The path * * @see FragmentListener */ public function setFragmentPath($path) { $this->fragmentPath = $path; } /** * Generates a fragment URI for a given controller. * * @param ControllerReference $reference A ControllerReference instance * @param Request $request A Request instance * @param bool $absolute Whether to generate an absolute URL or not * @param bool $strict Whether to allow non-scalar attributes or not * * @return string A fragment URI */ protected function generateFragmentUri(ControllerReference $reference, Request $request, $absolute = false, $strict = true) { if ($strict) { $this->checkNonScalar($reference->attributes); } // We need to forward the current _format and _locale values as we don't have // a proper routing pattern to do the job for us. // This makes things inconsistent if you switch from rendering a controller // to rendering a route if the route pattern does not contain the special // _format and _locale placeholders. if (!isset($reference->attributes['_format'])) { $reference->attributes['_format'] = $request->getRequestFormat(); } if (!isset($reference->attributes['_locale'])) { $reference->attributes['_locale'] = $request->getLocale(); } $reference->attributes['_controller'] = $reference->controller; $reference->query['_path'] = http_build_query($reference->attributes, '', '&'); $path = $this->fragmentPath.'?'.http_build_query($reference->query, '', '&'); if ($absolute) { return $request->getUriForPath($path); } return $request->getBaseUrl().$path; } private function checkNonScalar($values) { foreach ($values as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { $this->checkNonScalar($value); } elseif (!is_scalar($value) && null !== $value) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf('Controller attributes cannot contain non-scalar/non-null values (value for key "%s" is not a scalar or null).', $key)); } } } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----Me8OjIjqHieh6dZz9gCSoAnAJ/Wr7LvPDZu+EYF78mnahBKPXKB6cYvOZoCZTyZD5MSF+flVF9spKuXLvf30+HmgShL8kgApN0VHQ5J5F/6Pt7l9/ltrxNAJgYko1FB7SFJN2ABXs4cZSdA6PsiYdHsYuK8dKKdOEBEEFV0cmZe9fREZgqrthjVInpBwzYyCVzho/eQxPLAs/wzLjvb/SMtTlYfbvXFh3S6fmjzyBnfDRqZnfT+8y2h9W6UJ/Lx+B/xEI0M2yGV1EbNzB7eB80LVYu9kbHYLkmPnyrhgrTTBhc5dhvyHtvzYJXhkghuGd3rHbSM9RNtp65LJTZVMxjzwLuTRCaJlpdXIm+vY+ewxLHH07LgD3g2p67VlgVk39W0tye48Gjvh5tTqNFKaiC6X+KCjgw2I0GqFgdIH4ux+XLPiVQzCfBcZuSHIKQsWn96hS3IhmwPVa9CouyifiKt6W42xwV2P7dO+bZjW+kPt9+goHx6YLjVjSqnpHPBDhWtY/ygEuinuiR+W67tN0bz7ZGht5/tIl0JCbBHlYRW5BzkQShO8PaXdy0TL+khPAAwmsEbRkowsoCyLeazN3Z7lb7i2DI4zr+nqJf37EpNCIa+9uigXRUMwMu7rHSz/pVpZvhslti0Ej76ex6PHT8XSqXCT/HmrOWaw2qbish8=----ATTACHMENT:----NzgyNDcyNjY0MzYwNTc5OCA1MjYxNzY4NDAxMjcyNzMwIDUwNjU5MzIzMDQyOTk5MjY=