* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\ViolationMapper; use Symfony\Component\Form\FormInterface; use Symfony\Component\Form\Exception\ErrorMappingException; /** * @author Bernhard Schussek */ class MappingRule { private $origin; private $propertyPath; private $targetPath; /** * @param FormInterface $origin * @param string $propertyPath * @param string $targetPath */ public function __construct(FormInterface $origin, $propertyPath, $targetPath) { $this->origin = $origin; $this->propertyPath = $propertyPath; $this->targetPath = $targetPath; } /** * @return FormInterface */ public function getOrigin() { return $this->origin; } /** * Matches a property path against the rule path. * * If the rule matches, the form mapped by the rule is returned. * Otherwise this method returns false. * * @param string $propertyPath The property path to match against the rule * * @return null|FormInterface The mapped form or null */ public function match($propertyPath) { if ($propertyPath === (string) $this->propertyPath) { return $this->getTarget(); } } /** * Matches a property path against a prefix of the rule path. * * @param string $propertyPath The property path to match against the rule * * @return bool Whether the property path is a prefix of the rule or not */ public function isPrefix($propertyPath) { $length = strlen($propertyPath); $prefix = substr($this->propertyPath, 0, $length); $next = isset($this->propertyPath[$length]) ? $this->propertyPath[$length] : null; return $prefix === $propertyPath && ('[' === $next || '.' === $next); } /** * @return FormInterface * * @throws ErrorMappingException */ public function getTarget() { $childNames = explode('.', $this->targetPath); $target = $this->origin; foreach ($childNames as $childName) { if (!$target->has($childName)) { throw new ErrorMappingException(sprintf('The child "%s" of "%s" mapped by the rule "%s" in "%s" does not exist.', $childName, $target->getName(), $this->targetPath, $this->origin->getName())); } $target = $target->get($childName); } return $target; } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----NDE0ODM5NTg5ODQzODI0OSA2MzA5NTIwMTgwNzQ1NzM0IDg2NjkyNjI2ODc4NzU5MDk=