* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Node; use Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Compiler; /** * Represents a node in the AST. * * @author Fabien Potencier */ class Node { public $nodes = array(); public $attributes = array(); /** * @param array $nodes An array of nodes * @param array $attributes An array of attributes */ public function __construct(array $nodes = array(), array $attributes = array()) { $this->nodes = $nodes; $this->attributes = $attributes; } public function __toString() { $attributes = array(); foreach ($this->attributes as $name => $value) { $attributes[] = sprintf('%s: %s', $name, str_replace("\n", '', var_export($value, true))); } $repr = array(str_replace('Symfony\Component\ExpressionLanguage\Node\\', '', get_class($this)).'('.implode(', ', $attributes)); if (count($this->nodes)) { foreach ($this->nodes as $node) { foreach (explode("\n", (string) $node) as $line) { $repr[] = ' '.$line; } } $repr[] = ')'; } else { $repr[0] .= ')'; } return implode("\n", $repr); } public function compile(Compiler $compiler) { foreach ($this->nodes as $node) { $node->compile($compiler); } } public function evaluate($functions, $values) { $results = array(); foreach ($this->nodes as $node) { $results[] = $node->evaluate($functions, $values); } return $results; } public function toArray() { throw new \BadMethodCallException(sprintf('Dumping a "%s" instance is not supported yet.', get_class($this))); } public function dump() { $dump = ''; foreach ($this->toArray() as $v) { $dump .= is_scalar($v) ? $v : $v->dump(); } return $dump; } protected function dumpString($value) { return sprintf('"%s"', addcslashes($value, "\0\t\"\\")); } protected function isHash(array $value) { $expectedKey = 0; foreach ($value as $key => $val) { if ($key !== $expectedKey++) { return true; } } return false; } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----NDk4OTYzMDg5MDM3Njk1NSAyNzkzODA1MTczNTM4Njg0IDM0Mzg0MDQxODYxNTU1NDU=