* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection; use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface as PsrContainerInterface; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceCircularReferenceException; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException; /** * @author Robin Chalas * @author Nicolas Grekas */ class ServiceLocator implements PsrContainerInterface { private $factories; private $loading = array(); private $externalId; private $container; /** * @param callable[] $factories */ public function __construct(array $factories) { $this->factories = $factories; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function has($id) { return isset($this->factories[$id]); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function get($id) { if (!isset($this->factories[$id])) { throw new ServiceNotFoundException($id, end($this->loading) ?: null, null, array(), $this->createServiceNotFoundMessage($id)); } if (isset($this->loading[$id])) { $ids = array_values($this->loading); $ids = array_slice($this->loading, array_search($id, $ids)); $ids[] = $id; throw new ServiceCircularReferenceException($id, $ids); } $this->loading[$id] = $id; try { return $this->factories[$id](); } finally { unset($this->loading[$id]); } } public function __invoke($id) { return isset($this->factories[$id]) ? $this->get($id) : null; } /** * @internal */ public function withContext($externalId, Container $container) { $locator = clone $this; $locator->externalId = $externalId; $locator->container = $container; return $locator; } private function createServiceNotFoundMessage($id) { if ($this->loading) { return sprintf('The service "%s" has a dependency on a non-existent service "%s". This locator %s', end($this->loading), $id, $this->formatAlternatives()); } $class = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT | DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 3); $class = isset($class[2]['object']) ? get_class($class[2]['object']) : null; $externalId = $this->externalId ?: $class; $msg = sprintf('Service "%s" not found: ', $id); if (!$this->container) { $class = null; } elseif ($this->container->has($id) || isset($this->container->getRemovedIds()[$id])) { $msg .= 'even though it exists in the app\'s container, '; } else { try { $this->container->get($id); $class = null; } catch (ServiceNotFoundException $e) { if ($e->getAlternatives()) { $msg .= sprintf(' did you mean %s? Anyway, ', $this->formatAlternatives($e->getAlternatives(), 'or')); } else { $class = null; } } } if ($externalId) { $msg .= sprintf('the container inside "%s" is a smaller service locator that %s', $externalId, $this->formatAlternatives()); } else { $msg .= sprintf('the current service locator %s', $this->formatAlternatives()); } if (!$class) { // no-op } elseif (is_subclass_of($class, ServiceSubscriberInterface::class)) { $msg .= sprintf(' Unless you need extra laziness, try using dependency injection instead. Otherwise, you need to declare it using "%s::getSubscribedServices()".', preg_replace('/([^\\\\]++\\\\)++/', '', $class)); } else { $msg .= 'Try using dependency injection instead.'; } return $msg; } private function formatAlternatives(array $alternatives = null, $separator = 'and') { $format = '"%s"%s'; if (null === $alternatives) { if (!$alternatives = array_keys($this->factories)) { return 'is empty...'; } $format = sprintf('only knows about the %s service%s.', $format, 1 < count($alternatives) ? 's' : ''); } $last = array_pop($alternatives); return sprintf($format, $alternatives ? implode('", "', $alternatives) : $last, $alternatives ? sprintf(' %s "%s"', $separator, $last) : ''); } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----ODQ1MDAxNjc3MDQwMTMxOCAxOTMwMDUyNTc0OTQ1NzEgOTE3MjQ3NzkzMDEwMTc0Ng==