* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; /** * This is a directed graph of your services. * * This information can be used by your compiler passes instead of collecting * it themselves which improves performance quite a lot. * * @author Johannes M. Schmitt * * @final since version 3.4 */ class ServiceReferenceGraph { /** * @var ServiceReferenceGraphNode[] */ private $nodes = array(); /** * Checks if the graph has a specific node. * * @param string $id Id to check * * @return bool */ public function hasNode($id) { return isset($this->nodes[$id]); } /** * Gets a node by identifier. * * @param string $id The id to retrieve * * @return ServiceReferenceGraphNode * * @throws InvalidArgumentException if no node matches the supplied identifier */ public function getNode($id) { if (!isset($this->nodes[$id])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('There is no node with id "%s".', $id)); } return $this->nodes[$id]; } /** * Returns all nodes. * * @return ServiceReferenceGraphNode[] */ public function getNodes() { return $this->nodes; } /** * Clears all nodes. */ public function clear() { foreach ($this->nodes as $node) { $node->clear(); } $this->nodes = array(); } /** * Connects 2 nodes together in the Graph. * * @param string $sourceId * @param mixed $sourceValue * @param string $destId * @param mixed $destValue * @param string $reference * @param bool $lazy * @param bool $weak */ public function connect($sourceId, $sourceValue, $destId, $destValue = null, $reference = null/*, bool $lazy = false, bool $weak = false*/) { $lazy = func_num_args() >= 6 ? func_get_arg(5) : false; $weak = func_num_args() >= 7 ? func_get_arg(6) : false; if (null === $sourceId || null === $destId) { return; } $sourceNode = $this->createNode($sourceId, $sourceValue); $destNode = $this->createNode($destId, $destValue); $edge = new ServiceReferenceGraphEdge($sourceNode, $destNode, $reference, $lazy, $weak); $sourceNode->addOutEdge($edge); $destNode->addInEdge($edge); } /** * Creates a graph node. * * @param string $id * @param mixed $value * * @return ServiceReferenceGraphNode */ private function createNode($id, $value) { if (isset($this->nodes[$id]) && $this->nodes[$id]->getValue() === $value) { return $this->nodes[$id]; } return $this->nodes[$id] = new ServiceReferenceGraphNode($id, $value); } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----OTg1NDE5NDIzODQxMjk5MSAzMTY1MzcwODIwMjI5Njk4IDc1NjIwMDM3ODEwOTQ1MjY=