* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\BadMethodCallException; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\OutOfBoundsException; /** * This definition extends another definition. * * @author Johannes M. Schmitt */ class ChildDefinition extends Definition { private $parent; /** * @param string $parent The id of Definition instance to decorate */ public function __construct($parent) { $this->parent = $parent; $this->setPrivate(false); } /** * Returns the Definition to inherit from. * * @return string */ public function getParent() { return $this->parent; } /** * Sets the Definition to inherit from. * * @param string $parent * * @return $this */ public function setParent($parent) { $this->parent = $parent; return $this; } /** * Gets an argument to pass to the service constructor/factory method. * * If replaceArgument() has been used to replace an argument, this method * will return the replacement value. * * @param int|string $index * * @return mixed The argument value * * @throws OutOfBoundsException When the argument does not exist */ public function getArgument($index) { if (array_key_exists('index_'.$index, $this->arguments)) { return $this->arguments['index_'.$index]; } return parent::getArgument($index); } /** * You should always use this method when overwriting existing arguments * of the parent definition. * * If you directly call setArguments() keep in mind that you must follow * certain conventions when you want to overwrite the arguments of the * parent definition, otherwise your arguments will only be appended. * * @param int|string $index * @param mixed $value * * @return self the current instance * * @throws InvalidArgumentException when $index isn't an integer */ public function replaceArgument($index, $value) { if (is_int($index)) { $this->arguments['index_'.$index] = $value; } elseif (0 === strpos($index, '$')) { $this->arguments[$index] = $value; } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException('The argument must be an existing index or the name of a constructor\'s parameter.'); } return $this; } /** * @internal */ public function setAutoconfigured($autoconfigured) { throw new BadMethodCallException('A ChildDefinition cannot be autoconfigured.'); } /** * @internal */ public function setInstanceofConditionals(array $instanceof) { throw new BadMethodCallException('A ChildDefinition cannot have instanceof conditionals set on it.'); } } class_alias(ChildDefinition::class, DefinitionDecorator::class); __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----NTQwODA5NTMwMjQyMzA4NiA0MTUwNDU5NTYzNjg1NzgyIDk4MDQ0OTE1NjYwNzAwNTY=