* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Exception; /** * Exception class for when a resource cannot be loaded or imported. * * @author Ryan Weaver */ class FileLoaderLoadException extends \Exception { /** * @param string $resource The resource that could not be imported * @param string $sourceResource The original resource importing the new resource * @param int $code The error code * @param \Exception $previous A previous exception * @param string $type The type of resource */ public function __construct($resource, $sourceResource = null, $code = null, $previous = null, $type = null) { $message = ''; if ($previous) { // Include the previous exception, to help the user see what might be the underlying cause // Trim the trailing period of the previous message. We only want 1 period remove so no rtrim... if ('.' === substr($previous->getMessage(), -1)) { $trimmedMessage = substr($previous->getMessage(), 0, -1); $message .= sprintf('%s', $trimmedMessage).' in '; } else { $message .= sprintf('%s', $previous->getMessage()).' in '; } $message .= $resource.' '; // show tweaked trace to complete the human readable sentence if (null === $sourceResource) { $message .= sprintf('(which is loaded in resource "%s")', $this->varToString($resource)); } else { $message .= sprintf('(which is being imported from "%s")', $this->varToString($sourceResource)); } $message .= '.'; // if there's no previous message, present it the default way } elseif (null === $sourceResource) { $message .= sprintf('Cannot load resource "%s".', $this->varToString($resource)); } else { $message .= sprintf('Cannot import resource "%s" from "%s".', $this->varToString($resource), $this->varToString($sourceResource)); } // Is the resource located inside a bundle? if ('@' === $resource[0]) { $parts = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $resource); $bundle = substr($parts[0], 1); $message .= sprintf(' Make sure the "%s" bundle is correctly registered and loaded in the application kernel class.', $bundle); $message .= sprintf(' If the bundle is registered, make sure the bundle path "%s" is not empty.', $resource); } elseif (null !== $type) { // maybe there is no loader for this specific type if ('annotation' === $type) { $message .= ' Make sure annotations are installed and enabled.'; } else { $message .= sprintf(' Make sure there is a loader supporting the "%s" type.', $type); } } parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous); } protected function varToString($var) { if (is_object($var)) { return sprintf('Object(%s)', get_class($var)); } if (is_array($var)) { $a = array(); foreach ($var as $k => $v) { $a[] = sprintf('%s => %s', $k, $this->varToString($v)); } return sprintf('Array(%s)', implode(', ', $a)); } if (is_resource($var)) { return sprintf('Resource(%s)', get_resource_type($var)); } if (null === $var) { return 'null'; } if (false === $var) { return 'false'; } if (true === $var) { return 'true'; } return (string) $var; } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----Mzc4NDM3OTE3NjU4NTY1MCAyMDM1NDA2MzgwODQ1NjA5IDE4ODIxNzU5NDM5NzA1MTU=