* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Symfony\Component\Cache\Simple; use Psr\Log\LoggerAwareInterface; use Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface; use Symfony\Component\Cache\CacheItem; use Symfony\Component\Cache\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Symfony\Component\Cache\ResettableInterface; use Symfony\Component\Cache\Traits\ArrayTrait; /** * @author Nicolas Grekas */ class ArrayCache implements CacheInterface, LoggerAwareInterface, ResettableInterface { use ArrayTrait { ArrayTrait::deleteItem as delete; ArrayTrait::hasItem as has; } private $defaultLifetime; /** * @param int $defaultLifetime * @param bool $storeSerialized Disabling serialization can lead to cache corruptions when storing mutable values but increases performance otherwise */ public function __construct($defaultLifetime = 0, $storeSerialized = true) { $this->defaultLifetime = (int) $defaultLifetime; $this->storeSerialized = $storeSerialized; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function get($key, $default = null) { foreach ($this->getMultiple(array($key), $default) as $v) { return $v; } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getMultiple($keys, $default = null) { if ($keys instanceof \Traversable) { $keys = iterator_to_array($keys, false); } elseif (!\is_array($keys)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Cache keys must be array or Traversable, "%s" given', is_object($keys) ? get_class($keys) : gettype($keys))); } foreach ($keys as $key) { CacheItem::validateKey($key); } return $this->generateItems($keys, time(), function ($k, $v, $hit) use ($default) { return $hit ? $v : $default; }); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function deleteMultiple($keys) { if (!\is_array($keys) && !$keys instanceof \Traversable) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Cache keys must be array or Traversable, "%s" given', is_object($keys) ? get_class($keys) : gettype($keys))); } foreach ($keys as $key) { $this->delete($key); } return true; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function set($key, $value, $ttl = null) { CacheItem::validateKey($key); return $this->setMultiple(array($key => $value), $ttl); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function setMultiple($values, $ttl = null) { if (!\is_array($values) && !$values instanceof \Traversable) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Cache values must be array or Traversable, "%s" given', is_object($values) ? get_class($values) : gettype($values))); } $valuesArray = array(); foreach ($values as $key => $value) { \is_int($key) || CacheItem::validateKey($key); $valuesArray[$key] = $value; } if (false === $ttl = $this->normalizeTtl($ttl)) { return $this->deleteMultiple(array_keys($valuesArray)); } if ($this->storeSerialized) { foreach ($valuesArray as $key => $value) { try { $valuesArray[$key] = serialize($value); } catch (\Exception $e) { $type = is_object($value) ? get_class($value) : gettype($value); CacheItem::log($this->logger, 'Failed to save key "{key}" ({type})', array('key' => $key, 'type' => $type, 'exception' => $e)); return false; } } } $expiry = 0 < $ttl ? time() + $ttl : PHP_INT_MAX; foreach ($valuesArray as $key => $value) { $this->values[$key] = $value; $this->expiries[$key] = $expiry; } return true; } private function normalizeTtl($ttl) { if (null === $ttl) { return $this->defaultLifetime; } if ($ttl instanceof \DateInterval) { $ttl = (int) \DateTime::createFromFormat('U', 0)->add($ttl)->format('U'); } if (\is_int($ttl)) { return 0 < $ttl ? $ttl : false; } throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Expiration date must be an integer, a DateInterval or null, "%s" given', is_object($ttl) ? get_class($ttl) : gettype($ttl))); } } __halt_compiler();----SIGNATURE:----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----ATTACHMENT:----MjI1ODQ2NTQxNDA3NDA3NSA2OTg0MjU2Nzk1NzY5MjgzIDQ5NjE4NTgwNTEwNTExOTc=